
Purchase business support only when you need it.  You can pay as you go, or choose a retainer to guarantee hours required.

By the hour – This is if you like to add as you go. I can charge per hour – rounded to the nearest 15 minutes. I use software to track my time and will invoice you with a full breakdown of the time used.

Retainer – Retainer packages allow you to easily monitor your outsourcing budget. They are paid in advance and are a great option if you require continuous support. The hours are non-refundable but the beauty of a retainer is you pay for a set amount of hours every week/month where you will be fully guaranteed my time to work on your projects.

By the project – Project specific. We can discuss what you would like and the rate charged would be per project.

Gift Certificates – Have a friend or a loved one you think could benefit from these services? I have gift certificates you can purchase!